Sleep Like A Baby

If you want to be productive, mentally alert, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long, you definitely need a good night sleep. The way you feel during your waking hours hinges on how well you sleep at night.

The cure to sleeping difficulties and daytime fatigue can often be found in your daily routine. Your sleep schedule, bedtime habits, and day–to–day lifestyle have direct effect on the quality of your night rest.  

The secret to getting good sleep are as follows:

Keep a regular sleep schedule

Naturally regulate your sleep and waking up cycle

Create a relax bedtime routine

Eat right and get regular exercise

Get stress and anxiety in check

Know when to see a sleep doctor

Consume less or no caffeine, especially in the afternoons, and avoid alcohol before going to bed

Sleep on a good bed and void heavy meals close to bed time

Develop a sleep ritual (a warm bath before bed or listen to quiet music)

Ensure your bedroom is cool dark and quiet.

Why green tea is special?

Tea has been associated with lots of health benefits for centuries and the secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechingallate. Taking tea few times a day help the body absorb antioxidants and other healthy plant compounds.

In green-tea drinking cultures, it is usually three cups per day. You must allow your tea stay for three to five minutes to bring out its catechins content. The best way to get the catechins and other flavonoids in tea is to drink it freshly brewed. Decaffeinated, bottled ready-to-drink tea preparations, and instant teas have less of these compounds.

Tea can impede the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables. Adding lemon or milk or drinking tea between meals will counteract this problem.studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat.

One study found that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in people who were overweight and moderately obsessed. Some researchers think that substances in green tea known as catechins are responsible for the herb's fat-burning effect.


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